Spotless Mind Sanctuary is a veteran-led nonprofit that provides a refuge for animals to experience healing, health, and happiness in harmony with their human companions.

Inspired by Ahimsa






About Us

Intentionally Small

We are small by design because we want to know every individual’s name, personality, and favorite food! This enables us to bond with and care for our friends in a more meaningful way.

Educate and Empower

Each meal is a vote for love. Love living your best life, aligned with your moral compass, in harmony with all the beautiful beings on this big blue dot! 

Words Matter

Words matter, maybe as much or even more than pictures, sometimes. 

What is Ahimsa?

Words from the Sanctuary

A Thousand Miles in Tennessee

Psychologist Melanie Joy describes the untold suffering and destruction that is caused by the animal agriculture industry as a violent ideology where, “the populace must be shielded from direct exposure to the victims of the system, lest they begin questioning…

Here’s a Google search you’ve probably never done: “primate shortage.” Try it. You’ll see a flood of articles lamenting the shortage of non-human primates for what is described as “essential medical research.” Articles in BloombergThe Washington

No Kill Sundays

I discovered a list. It’s called the “capacity euthanasia report” which updates every 15 minutes. Inside are the soulful eyes of our city’s dogs, unloved, discarded, and awaiting disposal. In the afternoon, the unlucky chosen…


A Brief History of Chickens

Provided by Farm Sanctuary


My Rooster Teacher

Raju is a pint-sized maestro who sings opera every morning, evening, and pretty much whenever he demands attention.

Can we count on you to be the change you wish to see in this world?

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